
Wedged between the East and the West — the Dragon and the Crown — Stanley Kwan’s life experiences are a microcosm of the forces pulling at Hong Kong. He was born into a traditional Chinese banking family but attended King’s College under the British colonial system. Fired up by patriotism during the war, he joined the Nationalist Chinese army and served as an interpreter for American forces in southwest China. In 1949, two of his brothers went to the Mainland to join the socialist revolution. Although tempted to join, he stayed in Hong Kong, worked for a British firm and became a 'China watcher' at the American Consulate General. He finally joined a local Chinese bank — Hang Seng Bank where, as head of the Research Department, he launched the Hang Seng Index and witnessed the dramatic ebbs and flows of the Hong Kong economy. With the prospect of 1997, Stanley Kwan deliberated on his future and decided to retire to Canada in 1984, joining the tide of immigrants from Hong Kong.?? While Hong Kong’s spectacular economic growth and its political development have been well documented, the social and cultural experiences of the ordinary people swept up in the changes and their thoughts and aspirations have not found a significant voice. Through the personal experiences of Stanley Kwan and those around him, the book gives such a voice to people whose lives have been profoundly affected by the dramatic changes that Hong Kong underwent as it transitioned from an entrep?t to an international financial centre and from a colony to become a part of China.? The book contributes to the ongoing search for Hong Kong identity in the Special Administrative Region and will resonate among people in Hong Kong and those with ties to or an interest in the fate of the former colony.


Stanley S. K. Kwan

Stanley S. K. Kwan was born in Hong Kong in 1925 into a traditional Chinese banking family. He attended King's College until the fall of Hong Kong in 1941 and joined the Chinese army as an interpreter for US forces during the war. From 1962 until he retired in 1984, he headed the Research Department in Hang Seng Bank. He launched the Hang Seng Index in 1969, served on the government’s Statistics Advisory Board during 1976-84 and was awarded the MBE in 1985. He now lives in Toronto, Canada.

Nicole Kwan

Nicole Kwan is the niece of Stanley Kwan. She has a BA degree from Smith College and MAs from Yale University and the University of Hong Kong. She worked in international banking for over twenty years while based in Hong Kong.

The Dragon and the Crown- Hong Kong Memoirs是本不錯的人文史地﹐有那種你看到它就想把它買回家的感覺,由於價格實在是太誘人了

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The Dragon and the Crown- Hong Kong Memoirs曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。

  • 出版社:香港大學出版社


  • 出版日期:2010/11/01
  • 語言:英文





  • 出版社:香港大學出版社


  • 出版日期:2010/11/01
  • 語言:英文

Wedged between the East and the West — the Dragon and the Crown — Stanley Kwan’s life experiences are a microcosm of the forces pulling at Hong Kong. He was born into a traditional Chinese banking family but attended King’s College under the British colonial system. Fired up by patriotism during the war, he joined the Nationalist Chinese army and served as an interpreter for American forces in southwest China. In 1949, two of his brothers went to the Mainland to join the socialist revolution. Although tempted to join, he stayed in Hong Kong, worked for a British firm and became a 'China watcher' at the American Consulate General. He finally joined a local Chinese bank — Hang Seng Bank where, as head of the Research Department, he launched the Hang Seng Index and witnessed the dramatic ebbs and flows of the Hong Kong economy. With the prospect of 1997, Stanley Kwan deliberated on his future and decided to retire to Canada in 1984, joining the tide of immigrants from Hong Kong.?? While Hong Kong’s spectacular economic growth and its political development have been well documented, the social and cultural experiences of the ordinary people swept up in the changes and their thoughts and aspirations have not found a significant voice. Through the personal experiences of Stanley Kwan and those around him, the book gives such a voice to people whose lives have been profoundly affected by the dramatic changes that Hong Kong underwent as it transitioned from an entrep?t to an international financial centre and from a colony to become a part of China.? The book contributes to the ongoing search for Hong Kong identity in the Special Administrative Region and will resonate among people in Hong Kong and those with ties to or an interest in the fate of the former colony.


Stanley S. K. Kwan

Stanley S. K. Kwan was born in Hong Kong in 1925 into a traditional Chinese banking family. He attended King's College until the fall of Hong Kong in 1941 and joined the Chinese army as an interpreter for US forces during the war. From 1962 until he retired in 1984, he headed the Research Department in Hang Seng Bank. He launched the Hang Seng Index in 1969, served on the government’s Statistics Advisory Board during 1976-84 and was awarded the MBE in 1985. He now lives in Toronto, Canada.

Nicole Kwan

Nicole Kwan is the niece of Stanley Kwan. She has a BA degree from Smith College and MAs from Yale University and the University of Hong Kong. She worked in international banking for over twenty years while based in Hong Kong.

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The Dragon and the Crown- Hong Kong Memoirs



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